Sunday 28 August 2011

Don't All Rush At Once: Bid Day @ USC

Being in a sorority or fraternity are big deals here at USC. The Greek Life has a big presence on campus and over 1000 girls began the process of rushing this year.

If none of this makes sense, don't worry I had no idea what a sorority, rushing or bid day was until about 2 weeks ago when my housemate told me she would be rushing this year.

A brief overview; a sorority or fraternity is a group of guys or girls who have common interests and who organize social events, charity fundraisers and parties.

To be in one of these groups you have to "rush" which is a two week process where each rushee will view the Greek houses (where the richest of the sorority or frat members live) and talk to each group at various functions. At the end of the two weeks the girls (frats are far to cool for this kind of event) find out which sorority they have gotten into and attend Bid Day. Just a note, not all girls make it and can be dropped from the process if none of the groups want them.. its quite a harsh and judgmental process and to top it off you have to pay for the privilege of both rushing and then joining. Its not a cheap way to make friends!

Finally at the end of the process you have Bid Day where the girls adorn their new Greek letters and do the historic run through the horseshoe here on campus.
It is a crazy event with lots of screaming, cheering, singing and whistle blowing. I've never seen anything like it.. luckily my housemate got into the sorority she wanted (Phi Mu) and we got to see her Bid Day run!

Here is a video I took of Bid Day at USC 2011:

To view in HD click the 320 icon at the bottom of the player and select 720.

1 comment:

  1. That is INSANE. like INSANE. Haha i like how at one point you stop videoing the girls and just follow that guy;)
