Saturday 5 May 2012

Goodbye USC

Although I have not been as up to date as I perhaps intended with this blog over the year I hope it has proved somewhat informative to those interested in what I’ve been up to.

The time came on Wednesday to pack up my room and say goodbye to USC and South Carolina. It has truly been a life changing year. From the people I’ve met and experiences I’ve had to the places I’ve visited, there has not been a dull moment in the past nine months. I am still as infatuated with the American culture as I was before (how some might say, but each to their own). I’ve drank beer with red necks and tanned with sorority girls, debated politics and recited the words “Harry Potter” and “cheerio” until the cows came home. I’ve survived a hurricane, an earthquake and dodged a tornado. I’ve eaten grits, okra and a whole load of corn bread and lets not forget the numerous times people have tried to “save” me.

Although I leave the Bible Belt, the chivalrous gentlemen, the Sirs and Ma’am’s and not to mention forty degree weather I still have a lot to experience as I head to the north west, starting in Chicago.

I cannot wait for mum to come out and to finish this amazing year with her, although I’m sure she’ll remark on my adoption of American English. From trash to cell phone, gas to store I hope it won’t take long to lose these Americanisms.

But here’s to the next set of adventures and with my last night in the South I can only hope you all have a blessed day.